Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)



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What is Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)?

The EYPP is a government initiative which targets additional funding for early years settings to improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 3 and 4 year-olds. It is designed to narrow the attainment gap between young children from low-income families and their peers by improving the facilities, equipment and learning experiences to benefit the growth and development of eligible children.


Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) at Cleator Moor Nursery School

We are committed to support all children to achieve their full potential, regardless of their background. We aim to provide every child with learning experiences, which promote and encourage confidence, independence and growth in all areas of their learning. Governors have agreed that whilst the EYPP grant must prioritise the achievement and wellbeing of disadvantaged pupils, the benefits of resources and services should, wherever possible, extend to include other pupils, some of whom may also be vulnerable.


How We Use This Funding

We use this funding to provide extra staff, resources and experiences, which ensure there is accelerated learning and support, in the expectation that there will be no difference between the achievement of eligible children and those that are not eligible. Funding is allocated termly; school's Early Years Pupil Premium Plans are formulated with the needs of these children at the time of funding allocation.


Staff quickly identify and target any areas for development in children's learning. Strategies, staffing and resources are planned for on a termly basis as the funding allocation is received. Pupil attainment is monitored and analysed, to ensure children achieve and sustain expected progress.


The provision and impact of the EYPP is monitored through all levels of Leadership and Management including:

  • Governor meetings
  • Data analysis/ moderation
  • SLT discussions
  • Pupil progress meetings and family meetings
  • EYPP Action Planning


Main barriers to learning faced by children eligible for EYPP:

  • Speech, language and communication difficulties
  • Low self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Physical difficulties
  • Self-regulation difficulties
  • Isolated community/ lack of wider experiences


Early Years Pupils Premium funds are spent with these aims in mind:

  • To close the attainment gap and accelerate progress for all eligible children
  • To provide experiences that enhance and enrich children’s learning
  • To provide targeted interventions for small groups of children or 1:1 support
  • To purchase additional resources and/ or staff training to meet additional needs



Early Years Pupil Premium Allocation

Academic Year 2023-24


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Funding Allocation

£756.00 (Term 1)

Number Of Children

6 (25%)


Funding Used For

Promote language skills - Wordswoth Trust Stoytellers.

Small group sessions to promote confidence and Indipendence. 

Support to promote self - regulation skills. 

The Impact It Had


Early Years Pupil Premium Allocation

Academic Year 2022-23


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Funding Allocation


Number Of Children

7 (20%)

 14 (33%)  21 (44%)

Funding Used For

Small group support focussing on listening skills.

Promote language skills - story skills sessions.

Small group support focussing on emotions/ behaviour.

Purchase of 'feelings and emotions' books to use in the outdoor area.    

The Impact It Had

EYPP children made expected of better progress, helping to close the gap.

EYPP children made significant progress in the following areas of development: Listening and Attention, where 80% attained expected or above levels of progress; Making Relationships, where 77% attained expected or above levels of progress; Shape, Space and Measure, where 62% attained expected or above levels of progress.

The avergae point score on entry was 18.6; on exit this average rose to 30.5.



 "Well-targeted support is given to support children who are entitled to the early years pupil premium to break down barriers to learning.”






About Us

Cleator Moor Nursery School
Ennerdale Road
Cleator Moor
CA25 5LW

Telephone Number: : 01946 811189

Email: admin@cleatormoor.cumbria.sch.uk

Open Hours


Visits to our school are always welcome. Please contact Ms Claire Southward in the school office to make an appointment.

Our opening times are:

Monday - Friday 8:15am - 4:30pm (term time only)