Rainbow Room



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We offer a number of places for children aged 2-3 years in our Rainbow Room (please see our Admissions page for more details). This consists of up to 15 hours per week, term time only. The classroom is equipped with resources, furniture and activities, which cater to the needs of 2-3 year-old children. We have a wonderful outside garden area for the children to explore and further develop their skills.



The sessions take place in the Rainbow Room every morning from 8:30am to 11:30am, term time only. A typical session consists of:

8:30am  - arrival, settling in and self-registration (daily contact with keyworker) 
  - play opportunities and activities, which cater to children’s interests. These include small world play, role play, outdoor play, indoor gym, baking, play-dough, creative activities, messy play, construction, sand and water play, reading, writing and mathematical activities
 10:00am  - children sit down together to share snack 
  - keyworker led circle time/ group time
 11:30am   - home time


Groups and Staff Ratios

The children are organised into smaller, family groups: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow. Each group has a named keyworker who works closely with the child and their family. The adult to child ratio is 1:4.



We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum. In the Rainbow Room, weekly planning follows children's interests to ensure all areas of learning and development are included in activities and play opportunities, which will engage, challenge and develop children’s skills and knowledge (please see Our Curriculum – Learning Through Play page for further details). Our aim is to develop the children’s independence, social, physical and communication skills through fun activities, playing together in our wonderful classroom and garden.


2 Year Progress Checks

Between the age of 24-36 months, children will have a 2 year progress check. This will focus on the three Prime Areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

At the 2 year-old progress check, children’s keyworkers will:

  • Review children’s development, identifying strengths and areas which may need extra support
  • Discuss children’s interests and needs with parents, so they can help support children’s development at home



Snack is enjoyed every day in the Rainbow Room. As a healthy school, we ensure there is variety and a choice of foods, which caters for all children’s tastes, needs and dietary requirements (including allergies). Parents are asked to donate £1 per week towards the cost of snack.




 “Children in the provision for two-year-olds receive warm care and attention. They quickly develop strong and healthy attachments to key adults. This enables them to grow in confidence and to learn well.”

Ofsted 2022



We work in partnership with you, to ensure your child has the best possible experience of care and education at Cleator Moor Nursery School.


Visits to our school are always welcome, please telephone the nursery office (01946 811189) to arrange a visit.





About Us

Cleator Moor Nursery School
Ennerdale Road
Cleator Moor
CA25 5LW

Telephone Number: : 01946 811189

Email: admin@cleatormoor.cumbria.sch.uk

Open Hours


Visits to our school are always welcome. Please contact Ms Claire Southward in the school office to make an appointment.

Our opening times are:

Monday - Friday 8:15am - 4:30pm (term time only)