Special Educational Needs (SEND)
“Creating an inclusive environment where all children thrive.”
At Cleator Moor Nursery School, we embrace the fact that every child is different, and, therefore, the educational needs of every child are different; this is certainly the case for children with Special Educational Needs. As an inclusive school we cater for children with all kinds of needs. We ensure that all children have the same access and opportunities throughout their time in our school. Some children will have special needs of some kind at some time during their education.
The term ‘Special Educational Needs’ has a legal definition:
‘A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age.’ SEN Code of Practice (2015)
Support will always be provided in school where appropriate, and will be complemented and enhanced with professional advice from specialists.
If your child has special educational needs, they may require extra help, support or professional advice in a range of areas. The four main areas of need are:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and learning
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and /or physical needs
Identification of such needs, and the decision to request extra help and support for a child is made following discussions with parents, a rigorous ‘Pupil Progress’ Assessment and with input from other professionals e.g. Speech and Language therapists, Health Visitor.
Discussions with parents will be based on a variety of factors, including academic progress, observations and assessments carried out by teaching staff or other professionals. It may also be based on ensuring children have a smooth transition into school.
We have a lot of experience in supporting children with Autism, Speech and Language Delay and a variety of health needs. We have supported children with Hearing impairments, Visual impairments, Global Developmental Delay, Cerebral Palsy and Behavioural Difficulties.
Our Local Offer describes the provision and support available at Cleator Moor Nursery School for children identified with SEND needs.
Cumberland County Council’s Local Offer can be found on their website at: www.Cumberland.gov.uk
If you would like to speak to a member of staff about your child's needs please contact either Miss Oddie the school SENCO or Mrs Beverley Prescott the Nursery Teacher on 01946 811189 or by e-mailing on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our Governor with Responsibility for SEND is Mr Michael Eldon.
The following information should answer your questions or queries, however, if you need more information, support or advice please do not hesitate to contact us in school on 01946 811189.
SEND Information Report
How does the school know if children/young people need additional help?
Our school utilises the expertise of a highly trained staff in identifying additional / special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). Previous knowledge and or information from external services will be sought. Keyworkers collect as much information from parents prior to their child starting school and ask if they have any concerns about their child’s development. Some children may already have an identified/ specific need and other agencies may already be involved with the family. The school will work closely with them to support the child and their individual/ specific needs. Detailed observation and tracking systems that create a Pupil Progress Profile will identify where a child is not making the expected progress and specific issues impacting progress are identified and discussed creating an action plan consultation with parents.
What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
If you are concerned about your child and think they may need extra help you can talk to the class teacher and other teaching staff in Nursery or you can see Mrs Wilson, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENCo).
The school has an ‘open door’ policy and is happy to discuss any concerns or worries a parent may have. If you have a concern about your child’s development you may if you wish raise this in the first instance with the class teacher, Headteacher or SENCO to initiate a discussion about the issue/concern.
Should you have further concerns or wish further advice then please make an appointment to see our SENCO. It is highly likely the class teacher will have already discussed your child’s needs with you. If your concerns/issues are not fully addressed to your satisfaction then you do have the option to follow the schools complaints procedure.
How will school staff support my child?
Children will be allocated a named member of staff; this key person will support your child through close, personal, day-to-day interactions. The key person will be the first point of contact each day; parents will have the opportunity to see them face to face and exchange any relevant information. The key person can help parents deal with any separation anxiety issues and will also carry out observations on your child, assessing the progress they are making. They will carry out starting point assessments and on-going Progress checks to identify and plan the next steps in your child’s learning and development.
The key worker will work closely with the Nursery Teacher, who will plan an effective, exciting, varied, challenging and progressive curriculum for all children including those who have additional needs. The Nursery School SENCO (person responsible for children with special educational needs), will work closely with all staff involved with your child. They will co-ordinate the support your child receives and are available to support you and your child with the SEND process.
The Governors of the school have a responsibility to ensure that the school carries out its statutory duties to support any child who has Special Educational Needs or a disability (SENDs). They will ensure that the school has all Policies and Procedures in place. Governors monitor the work of the school through regular visits and monitoring audits. The SENCo provides a written report to Governors which is shared and discussed at each full Governing Body meeting
How will I know how my child is doing?
Parents are actively involved in their child’s education in our school; our work with parents is a partnership. Parents are involved in each step of their child’s journey through our school. The school has an open-door policy that encourages the full engagement of parents in the education of their child. The school operates a keyworker system (children are assigned a key person), this enables staff to build a close relationship with your child and their family. You will see your child’s keyworker each day where you can share information. All parents/carers are welcome to make further appointments with their child’s Nursery class teacher, SENCO, or Headteacher.
Staff carry out a starting point assessment on each child when they begin nursery and then on-going observations and regular assessments are carried out to track children’s progress, linked to Statutory guidance in Development Matters and the Early Years Foundation Stage. Children who have been identified as having special educational needs or who are not making expected progress will have an individual education plan (IEP), which will identify next steps for their learning, as well as additional support needed to help them achieve learning outcomes. Regular reviews will take place with staff, parents and outside agencies who may be involved to monitor the child’s progress.
Parents will be fully involved in their child’s education and will be kept informed in a number of ways about what their child is doing in school and the activities they will be involved in. The school communicates in a number of ways including: face to face contact, a theme newsletter, Curriculum information plans displayed in the cloakroom; photos and information in your child’s Busy book and additional information on the school website. We hold parental interview meetings each term, where your child’s progress and achievements will be shared and discussed. Your child will have a ‘busy book’ and individual Progress Profiles, which are accessible to parents at all times. Parents are encouraged to contribute to these, commenting on the activities their child has been involved in both in and out of school. Parents are encouraged to support their child’s learning and interests both in and out of school. Staff are available to give advice and guidance on how parents can support their child. Parents are asked to complete questionnaires to help us review, improve and adapt our provision and offer.
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
At Cleator Moor Nursery School we have a bespoke Early Years curriculum which allows all children the chance to have practical play experiences, ensuring progression for all. We pride ourselves on ensuring all children have access to high-quality teaching and that the curriculum is adapted to meet children's individual needs (differentiation).
If a child has a disability that may hinder access to the curriculum, all steps will be taken to ensure that the environment is adapted and access to all activities is provided as part of the SEND offer at our school. This is evidenced within the school’s accessibility plan. Children with a disability are fairly represented throughout school ensuring they take part in all curriculum activities.
The curriculum is planned to meet the individual needs of the children, based on their first hand experiences and interests. High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN. All children’s development is carefully planned and tailored to meet children’s individual needs. Lessons are planned and appropriately differentiated.
The Pupil Progress system tracks the small steps children need to take in order to ensure they move securely towards successful learning outcomes. Differentiating learning opportunities and activities may involve using specialist resources or equipment, alterations to the structure of the session, additional adult support, group or individual work.
Staff will support both child initiated and adult directed activities and will differentiate the support they give in various ways, such as: being an active listener, joining in and intervening when appropriate and being skilled in their questioning and modelling processes. We will ensure the curriculum is matched to your child’s individual needs and therefore support them in achieving their development and learning outcomes.
This will help your child as:
- Your child will be working at an appropriate level and have individual targets for improvement.
- Your child may be working within the EYFS but not necessarily at average age expected levels.
- You will be regularly informed of your child’s progress towards their targets via the school’s annual report system and the review of their Pupil Profile at parent’s evenings and at EHCP meetings, if appropriate, where you will also be given targets to support your child’s learning at home.
- We understand that young children often do not have the ability to verbally communicate and express their thoughts and tell you what they have done at school.
- Your child will have a Busy Book which records your child’s achievements and progress in school and is used as a communication for children to share their experiences between home and school
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
One of the prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is Personal, Social and Emotional Development. The nursery environment and early years curriculum is designed to help all children make positive relationships, manage their feelings and behaviour, as well as develop their self-confidence and self-awareness.
Staff plan for each child’s individual care and learning requirements; this may include the need for a Health Care Plan, these plans are written by a medical professional and support staff in understanding and providing for your child’s health and care needs.
The school has a Behaviour Policy, which expects parents to take responsibility for their child’s behaviour both in and outside school. The school will work in partnership with parents and children to ensure they understand the school’s behavioural expectations. Praise is the norm – our focus is on good behaviour. Children respond to praise and positive reinforcement of behaviour expectations, stickers are used to reward good behaviour.
Although attendance at nursery is not compulsory, parents are made aware that regular attendance is a condition in accepting a place in our Nursery School. We encourage regular attendance and follow-up any non-attendance on the day to ensure all children’s safeguarding needs are met. Children’s attendance is recorded on their school profile when they leave the nursery and a certificate is given to the children with good attendance records. Attendance and punctuality is closely monitored and reported on termly. Where attendance is becoming a concern the school will intervene early and you will be called to a meeting to agree actions for improvement.
What if my child has medical needs?
If your child has medical needs then a Care plan will be put in place with support from a health visitor and other professionals from the healthcare sector in consultation with parents/carers. All Keyworkers are trained in Paediatric First Aid and have received epi-pen training. Additional training will be sought as necessary.
The school follows statutory guidance in the administration of medicines and provision of personal care. Staff will administer life-saving medication including asthma inhalers or medicine for a lifelong condition such as diabetes. Other medicines, such as anti-biotics, will need to be administered by parents at home. All medicines kept on the nursery site will be clearly labelled with the child’s name and will include clearly marked instructions for administering and dosage details. Parents will be required to complete a Medical Consent Form before medicine can be administered. Only medication which has been prescribed by a doctor and is clearly labelled with your child’s name and dosage details will be allowed on the school site. Staff will record when medication has been administered and parents will be informed. If any medication requires any technical knowledge or skills, staff will receive training in this.
The nursery has an intimate care policy and has suitable facilities to provide private or personal care to children. There are appropriate disposal facilities (e.g. nappy bin, sharps box), as well as risk assessments in place.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
We are able to access support from a variety of services, such as the Early Years SENCo, Foundation Stage Advisory Teachers, Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists. We can make direct referrals to the Community Paediatrician (Child Development Centre -Footsteps), Speech and Language Therapy and Audiology and the Early Years Support Team. We also have close links with Local Children’s Centres who offer a range of additional support packages and have sensory rooms which we can use. We are able to give advice about support groups or other agencies that could support you and your child.
Staff have a wealth of experience and expertise in working with children with a range of additional needs. All staff are paediatric first aid trained and also have a number of other qualifications including Behaviour Management, Team Teach, Safeguarding, Autism Awareness, Food Hygiene, Early Help Assessment (EH) training, diabetes, Makaton and other interventions. The school has been awarded Healthy School Status, which recognises the importance we place on the overall health and well-being of our children and staff.
The school has very close links with health services including Speech and Language Therapists, GP’s, Health Visitors, and Paediatric Consultants. There is access to counselling and family support services through referral to the Family Action services, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), the Educational Psychologist and the Specialist Advisory Teacher Service. The school’s also liaises closely with Social Care and hosts Team Around the Child (TAC), Team Around the Family (TAF), core group meetings /conferences and refers into the Safeguarding Hub whenever there is a safeguarding concern.
What training have the staff, supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
The staff at Cleator Moor Nursery have vast experience of working with children with a range of additional and complex needs. They have attended a variety of courses and have received support and advice from external professionals.
Staff have completed a number of training courses and have a variety of qualifications (some of which are refreshed at regular periods). Staff attend training to support their individual roles and responsibilities, as well as priorities identified in the School Improvement Plan. Recent training has included: First Aid at Work, Paediatric First Aid, Safeguarding Levels 1, 2 & 3, SENCO training, EH training, Team Teach, Food Hygiene, Stoma training, Epipen training, Diabetes training, IOSH Health & Safety training.
If a child is admitted to nursery with a specific need, the staff will access specific training needs to support them or seek support from other agencies where possible, for example Child Psychologist, Specialist Advisory Teacher, Occupational Health, Health Visitors, Physiotherapists, Paediatricians, Speech & Language Therapists, Area SENCo’s
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Regular meetings will be held with the class teacher and/or SENCo to discuss what you can do at home to support your child with their targets as well as wider learning opportunities. Your child’s key worker / class teacher will be able to give you ideas on how to support your child’s learning at home. We have resources which you can use at home, such as borrowing a wide variety of books to take home to read and talk about.
How will you support my child to join your School?
The school welcomes parents and children to visit our facilities prior to the children starting, our induction process begins with 2 members of staff carrying out a home visit; this will include the key person whose group your child will be part of. This member of staff will support you and your child through close daily interaction. The key person can help your child deal with any separation anxiety they may have.
If required meetings may be arranged to discuss the needs and provision being offered. The SENCo would meet with you to discuss arrangements for your child. You will receive a pack of useful new starter information, and an invitation to a parents’ meeting.
The learning environment will be planned to ensure your child’s needs are met and any adaptations are planned for. When necessary a multi-agency meeting may be called to ensure your child’s needs will be met prior to starting the school.
The induction process begin by gradually building up the time in nursery until they are attending for their full 15/30 hours per week entitlement, the induction process will be catered to your child on an individual basis. If a child has attended any other setting prior to them coming to nursery, we will ask them to share information with us as long as parents’ consent to this request.
How will you support my child’s transition to Primary School?
We have strong links with local Primary Schools and will also liaise closely with them when applicable. We have transfer procedures in place for children moving into Primary School.
Reception staff visit the children in the nursery and parents are invited to take their children to meet their new reception staff in the new school. If we feel a child will need more support with this, we will arrange additional visits for them and implement an individual transition plan. The nursery will pass on as much information as possible to the receiving school. Keyworker staff meet with the receiving Primary class teacher to share individual children’s profile information.
Our school SENCo/ DSL will meet with the Primary School’s SENCo / DSL to share information and hand over the running of Early Help or support Plans. If it is felt specific individual arrangements need to be put in place for a child transitioning to Primary School and will require some time/ planning to do this, the nursery will give the Primary school as much notice as possible. If a child How will you support a new school to prepare for my child? has an IEP, Health Care Plan or Education Health Care Plan, a transition meeting will be held towards the end of the term prior to the child leaving nursery. Parents will be fully involved in this process.
Staff will exchange information in a number of ways; this will include face to face conversations where possible and personal data transfer through the School to School secure site. A copy of the children’s school profile will be sent to the feeder schools along with assessment data, which shows the progress and attainment level children have reached whilst with us. Any other relevant documentation e.g. IEPs, Healthcare Plans, reports from other agencies e.g. Speech & Language Therapist will also be shared. We will encourage parents to share their child’s Record of Achievement with their new class teacher.
How are the school's resources allocated and matched to children with Special Educational Needs?
We aim to allocate resources appropriately to meet the needs of all children with SEND. For children who enter our school with SEND needs which have not been allocated funding we can apply for an SENIF Special Educational Needs Inclusion Fund) to support a child who has an identified need, whilst we refer your child for Specialist advice and support.
Expenditure is driven by need with resources being earmarked by the Headteacher, SENCo, class teacher, or keyworker for resources, specific items or ICT equipment. The budget is discussed and agreed by the Governing Body and the SEN Governor.
How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?
The school will intervene at the earliest opportunity for a child with SEN / disability. The decisions about the type of support your child needs will be based on discussions between all relevant parties e.g. yourselves (& your child), school staff, the SENCo and any relevant outside agencies The support will be reviewed consistently to ensure it is appropriate and effective.
Your input will be valued at the wide range of meetings detailed above to ensure your child is receiving the best support possible. The school evaluates the impact of all its actions on a regular basis. Impact will be measured against progress to targets be they academic and/or social, health or pastoral.
Support for parents and carers of children and young people with SEND
If parents and carers feel they would like some impartial information, advice or support on any issues relating to their children’s special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), they can contact the Cumbria SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) who can offer a range of support. We will help parents, carers and young people to prepare for meetings with schools or the local authority and practically support them at the meetings in an appropriate and impartial manner. We can also signpost to other relevant support networks.
For more information on SENDIASS and how to find support, please click on this link: https://www.cumbria.gov.uk/childrensservices/schoolsandlearning/ils/parentpartnership/default.asp
Where can I get further information?
Further information can be found on the Cumbria County Council website where our Local Offer outlines further support and services that are available for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Cumberland Local Offer
For further information please see our Special Educational Needs Policy. Information on our inclusive practice is also available in our Access Plan and our policy for Equality of Opportunity. You can find all of these policies on our Policies page.
If you require any additional information please contact the Nursery School office on 01946 811189.
"A has had 1:1 support. His needs were identified in week 1 of him starting nursery. Staff have been excellent.” Parent Feedback |
"I had concerns regarding D’s speech I spoke to Mrs Wilson, who referred him to speech therapy. Also implemented extra 1:1." Parent Feedback |
"Her speech and language has improved greatly during her time in nursery.” Parent Feedback |