Working Together
"The book corner is lovely, gets the children to want to bring books home for parents to read to them.” Parent Feedback |
A child's Early Years form the building blocks for their future. Parents and carers have the most important role in supporting their child’s development and learning. As the child's first educators, we value the wealth of information parents bring to us. Working in partnership is a key element of our work here. It is a two way dialogue between parents and keyworkers, sharing information and supporting children together.
When children join Cleator Moor Nursery School, we ask parents to share information about their child’s interests and experiences. This helps us build a picture of each child’s development and enables us to plan opportunities for their learning.
Ways You Can Help And Support Your Child At Home |
Plenty of talk, have conversations with your child |
Listen to your child and encourage them to listen to you |
Share activities and talk about them together |
Encourage your child’s interest or favourite activities |
Take an interest in the work your child brings home |
Borrow books from the school’s library |
Share stories often and sing songs together |
Home Visits
We visit all children in their home before they start nursery. This allows children to begin to build a relationship with their keyworker in the comfort and security of their own home. At the end of this visit, keyworkers will give the child and their family a booklet 'All About Me' to complete.
Communication With Parents
"I always like the little personal stories of what R has been up to when I pick her up.” Parent Feedback |
Regular newsletters will be sent home – click here for a link to our Newsletters page.
Parents’ noticeboards in the cloakrooms inform of special events, general reminders and information.
Photographs are shared on the display screen next to the school office.
We use a text messaging services to send reminders, updates or emergency closure notification.
“…nice to hear things about school/ children, nice to be involved as much as possible i.e. trips and school projects.” Parent Feedback |
Displays In School
The lovely displays around Nursery School are another way to keep informed about the activities and learning taking place in school. Children enjoy talking about the work, photographs and things they have learned and discovered.
Daily Contact With Keyworker
Parents/ carers have daily contact with their child’s keyworker at the beginning and end of each session. This enables sharing of information from home to school and vice versa.
Helping In Nursery
We welcome parents to spend time in school to see their children busy at play. If you would like to spend some time with us, ask a member of staff for more information.
“Parental interviews, reports are very helpful; with working full-time I sometimes do not see teachers for a while as I do not do school run.” Parent Feedback |
“I feel I get information almost every day, all the teachers are involved with her and let me know bits and bobs, which keeps me up to date with her progress until parent interviews.” Parent Feedback |
Parents/ grandparents join us for our annual summer trip. We often ask parents to help us on our local community trips to the library, local shops and other schools.
Parental Interviews
Parents are invited to meet their child’s keyworker and nursery teacher each term, to discuss strengths, progress and areas for further development.
Parent Feedback
We regularly ask parents and carers for their feedback; we do this in a variety of ways, including questionnaires, verbal discussions and comments from parental interviews and on pupil reports. Questions and suggestions are acted upon and shared with Governors and staff.
Lately, parents have shared with us how busy the roads around our Nursery School are during drop off and collection times. We have addressed this issue in various ways:
- with the children through our Personal Safety Curriculum - we have had a visit from the School Crossing Patrol, talked about road safety with our trusted adults, read stories and acted out road safety role play;
- all parents are made aware of the rules and restrictions around parking and/ or driving on to the school grounds - this information is on the school admission form, on a leaflet in the new starter induction pack, discussed at the new parent induction meeting, on notices in the cloakrooms, on the newsletters sent home to parents and on flyers handed out each term;
- we work alongside our neighbouring Primary School to ensure the safety of all children on site;
- Governors have liaised with the Local Authority and Police;
- our Community Police Officers have provided letters to send to all parents and have patrolled during peak times;
- Traffic Enforcement Officers have attended and issued fines and notices.
Links With Other Agencies
We work closely with local Health Visitors, Howgill Children’s Centre, Speech and Language Therapists, Physiotherapists and other health professionals. We can signpost families to help available locally.
“Staff communicate well with parents and with a range of professionals, so that children ... receive expert support if they need it.” Ofsted 2022 |
As a School Community, we value the role everybody plays in creating the special family atmosphere and ethos we have here. If you would like to come and see this for yourself, please contact the office (01946 811189) to arrange a visit.